Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wretched Ingrates, Why Do You Hate Your Betters?

Gotta love Conservatives, always sticking up for the poor, put-upon plutocrats. First, we have Mitt Romney having to think for an hour about whether or not he supports equal pay for equal work for women. Then we have the Blunt/Rubio (anybody up for writing Blunt/Rubio slashfic?) bill, which would have given employers more power over their employees' healthcare decisions than they already have. Finally, we have Carl Rove's petition against forcing Randian Superman bosses to pay a higher tax rate than their serfs employees. "Sign it, peasant, or I'll cut your access to contraceptive care!"

It gets better... the worst president ever warned President Obama not to raise taxes on the "job creators" who used their Bush tax cuts to create the worst jobs climate in the U.S. on record. I'm actually stunned that Bush had the gall to leave the isolation of his Texas abode, and show his face in the bluest of blue cities.

Frontrunner Rmoney, who hilariously compared President Obama to Marie Antoinette, will be running on his ability to create jobs, even though his record as a vulture capitalist shows that he destroyed thousands of high-paying jobs. Yeah, keep touting those numbers, Mittens, I'm sure Marie Antoinette would have enjoyed riding "dressage" horses with you had you been contemporaries.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

anybody up for writing Blunt/Rubio slashfic?

Oh, you are BANNED. THat's right, from your own blog.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think all we need is a quorum, vs.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

"Quorum" rhymes with Santorum sort of. I seem to recall people making up crude poems with "quorum" awhile back...

Substance McGravitas said...

Rubio and Blunt are still coming even after all that sucking.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Let's ban S_McG, too.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Let's ban Bubba in the Green Jacket too, just to be safe.

Laura said...

You know what I HAVE to do everyday???
Not ride horses.


wiley said...

Anyone else sorry that THE PRESIDENCY had W's name on it?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Hell, I'm sorry about the fetus that had W's name on it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Oh, you are BANNED. THat's right, from your own blog.

OH NOES! What am I gonna do?

I think all we need is a quorum, vs.

Dear Penthouse quorum, I never thought it would happen to me, but I am a young, bi-curious Senator from Florida...

I seem to recall people making up crude poems with "quorum" awhile back...

I think those were about DKW's mom.

Rubio and Blunt are still coming even after all that sucking.

"I never knew there was a sauna in the Senate gym..."


I saw his long-form birth certificate, and he's the son of Aloysius and Martha McGravitas, alright.

Let's ban Bubba in the Green Jacket too, just to be safe.

Is he playing at The Masters?

You know what I HAVE to do everyday???
Not ride horses.

Not yell at the maid and butler either.

Anyone else sorry that THE PRESIDENCY had W's name on it?

A million dead Iraqis, just under ten thousand dead Americans.

Hell, I'm sorry about the fetus that had W's name on it.

Did you eat it? Fess up!

Rev. paleotectonics said...

Then we have the Blunt/Rubio (anybody up for writing Blunt/Rubio slashfic?)

I think 'the kids' would call it Blubio