Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Santorumentum Suspended!

I'm kinda bummed that Rick Santorum has suspended his presidential campaign, thus ending the monkey knife fight known as the GOP 2012 primary race. Of course, there's some hilarity to be had in the article, in light of the definition of Santorum's name (note to Laura, both links are to that site):

He was a long-dormant volcano due for a surprise eruption.

Yeah, an eruption of santorum has got to be a surprise.

I'll miss Rick's campaign, because it bled Rmoney's SuperPAC backers of millions of dollars in what amounted to a mutual destruction pact, and it forced Mitt to tack hard right, which will harm his chances in the general election. On second thought, though, the timing is pretty good, being so soon after the Etch-a-Sketch gaffe... Mitt's expected turn towards the center will take place soon afterward, making his conversion, hard enough to swallow to begin with, seem even more unprincipled and callow. How does Mitt walk back his Road to Dumbasscus conversion narrative?

Thank you, Rick Santorum. Thank you for stepping on Mitt Romney's limp dick for so long. Thank you for setting yourself up to be the possible front-runner in the 2016 presidential campaign (of course, Santorum did not endorse Romney, and probably wants him to lose this election so he can run in the next one).

Of course, Newt is sticking it out to the bitter end, thus ensuring some hilarity at the GOP convention. Isn't vindictiveness grand?


bbkf said...

road to dumbasscus is pretty funny...

Substance McGravitas said...

How bananas is the Republican party gonna get if Mitt loses?

Hamish Mack said...

They will be completely unsurprised since in their anthracite of anthracites they know that he is a hopeless case. BUT the whining and butt hurt will flow like fresh santorum as they play the only card they have, the victim boohoo card.

Smut Clyde said...

"Butt hurt" and "santorum" do not belong in the same sentence, Mr AK.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You can hit this link, Laura.

fish said...

Newt staying to the bitter end seems increasingly unlikely.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

road to dumbasscus is pretty funny...

Thanks! I crack me up sometimes.

How bananas is the Republican party gonna get if Mitt loses?

They'll blame the loss on Mitt not being conservative enough, then go full on Santorum.

They will be completely unsurprised since in their anthracite of anthracites they know that he is a hopeless case.

I'd like to think that, but there's going to be a SuperPAC money bomb like we've never seen before. Hopefully, that will backfire, as people become sick of the B.S.

"Butt hurt" and "santorum" do not belong in the same sentence, Mr AK.

Because of all that lube?


Between the nuking of her last name, and the popularity of that picture, I actually feel sorry for her- she can't pick her parents. I hope she grows up to be a feminist lesbian firebrand.

Oh my lord... is this thing still going on???
You American's love to drag stuff out, don't you?

You don't have to drag it out, it just kinda dribbles out on its own.

You can hit this link, Laura.

That's the funniest thing I've seen all day.

Newt staying to the bitter end seems increasingly unlikely.

Five hundred bucks? He's not some underpaid Walmart greeter! FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS?!?!

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

How bananas is the Republican party gonna get if Mitt loses?

Just be glad you live in Canada.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

"bitter end" is not an accidental turn of phrase, huh?