Saturday, April 16, 2022

Clean Bill of Health

A couple of days ago, on Thursday, my coworker Ginger had her annual veterinary checkup, and she was given a clean bill of health, with the only issue being some wearing of the old choppers.  She certainly looks the very picture of feline salubriousness:

As you can see, she's resting on top of my human coworker's laptop bag.  When I arrived at shift change last night, she was on his naughty list because she took a stroll across his keyboard and managed to rotate his screen display 90 degrees.  The acrimony was short-lived, a simple CTRL-ALT-Arrow key combo was enough to set things aright.

I'm happy to say that we will be open to the public in three weeks, so Ginger will have a larger captive audience for her antics.  There's nothing she likes better than showboating, such as carrying a dead mouse around in front of a group of visitors.

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