Thursday, February 2, 2012

Won't Celebrate Groundhog Day

This winter has been so mild that six more weeks of it would not be such a bad thing. That being said, I don't celebrate Groundhog Day, and never did. In the past, my most bitter rival was a Woodchuck-American, and celebrated Groundhog Day in a most raucous style. I would not have given him the satisfaction of celebrating a holiday that ennobled his culture.

As much as he annoyed me, I mourned his passing when he kicked the bucket. Even with our long feud ended, I just don't have it in my heart to celebrate Groundhog Day... I can still remember what my workplace smelled like while he was decomposing under the foundation.


Laura said...

My Dad used to shoot groundhogs when we lived on the farm.
FINALLY one of the neighbours called the police.

Groundhog day just reminds me that we are only half way through winter. Which, as you say, isn't so bad this year. However.. if it's a bad one, I don't like to be reminded.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

My Dad used to shoot groundhogs when we lived on the farm.

Did he at least eat them? I imagine they'd taste pretty good, being free-range and organic.

Hamish Mack said...

Oh the long national nightmare of the groundhog vs BBBB feud. Those were bad times, my children.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Oh the long national nightmare of the groundhog vs BBBB feud. Those were bad times, my children.

Nobody steals my apples! Nobody but me, that is...

Laura said...

Did he at least eat them? I imagine they'd taste pretty good, being free-range and organic.

God I hope not!
Come to think of it, my Mum did use a lot of ground beef....

Laura said...

and stew....

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's zombie Ayn Rand's 107th B-day, too.

Vonnie said...

I don't even.
Starting to feel a little weird over here.

Laura said...

zrm~ That's a lovely song. :)

wiley said...

Can't say I've ever had the "lacuna of my spirit vexed". Sounds downright painful.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Why do I find man vs. critter stories so fucking funny?

Substance McGravitas said...

That being said, I don't celebrate Groundhog Day, and never did.

Beating one until the candy fell out is one of my most cherished childhood memories.