The Super Bowl is nothing but an overblown spectacle, an orgy of commercialism distracting the proletariat from the struggle necessary to liberate the workers from the systemic domination of Capital. It is nothing more than a soporific, meant to dull the senses of the masses to their plight. It would be better if the whole rotten event went the way of the dodo!! Rather than watch the Super Bowl, that time would better be spent reading or watching or listening to The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord!!!
Oh, a text... it's the gang... whoa, how many pizzas did you get? Cool, I can pick up some beverages, maybe a variety of chips.Great, kickoff is 6:30, right? Yeah, I'll be over, looking forward to seeing everybody.
What? Oh... yeah, about that... polemics tend to repeat themselves, the first time as self-righteousness, the second time as farce.
Dude-you're deep. you had me google DeBord yesterday. I doubt I'll watch >4hr of this but we live in the Cincy media mkt and have been overwhelmed with bs for weeks. I keep trying to tell people around here the NFL is making billions this week and we still pay an extra tax in the county to pay for their stadium. Should go the other way: if Cincy wins, NFL pays for a new Brent-Spence bridge, carries two interstate highways and has been on the marginal list since Boehner and McConnell controlled congress.
Football is the OxyContin of the masses.
Debord is great, you can get the ebook for free, it's not that long. There's also a shorter film version with a lot of boobs that I would have embedded if this were a horny blog.
Football is the OxyContin of the masses.
Can't spell 'Sackler' without 'sack'.
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