Friday, February 18, 2022

Make Canada Staid Again

I wouldn't call Canada boring- I have many Canadian friends, on-and-offline, and I have enjoyed travel to such top-notch cities as Vancouver, Toronto, Montréal and Québec City, the most beautiful European city in the world, albeit one in North America.  Also, Canada is the number one source for poutine and smoking hot Canadian girlfriends.

It's been bizarre to see the current right-wing tantrum that has embroiled Canada for the past three weeks- it's as if the, in a quote attributed to Robin Williams, nice apartment over the meth lab suddenly became a pop-up fentanyl manufactory.  Canada... whodathunk it?

My go-to source for Canadian scuttlebutt has been the Toronto-based NoelleNarwhal, who has done great work monitoring the communications of the various convoys and their supporters.  For boots on the ground news from the besieged Ottawa, Justin Ling is doing good work, especially now as the Ottawa occupiers are being ejected from the city by riot police.  I mean, this sort of thing has been three weeks in the making:

That's not the 'Canada nice' I expected, though to tell the truth, these assholes have been jamming up the Canadian capital for three weeks.  Also, apparently de-escalation tactics weren't working, though that's from an official police source, so there's bias there.  It looks, though, like about 100 people were arrested:

Including a few of the ringleaders: Canada, now that you've had your 1/6, including calls to depose the duly elected head of state, please return to the staid state that you've long been known for.  As a neighbor, and a friend, please leave the craziness to us, by which I mean US.


Vixen Strangely said...

The trucker protest wasn't about Canada per se, nor did it represent Canadians--it was about a far-right movement that has basically started here in the US and ideologically and digitally migrated everywhere--like some kind of metastatic thought cancer. It's been funded by the same far-right rich assholes who funded 1/6 and backed by the same people who try to file off the white supremacist serial numbers but, um, we see them. It was a test, and they will do it here.

Frankly, Canada should have shut them down the way they would have done if it were indigenous protest regarding an oil pipeline. They would have been dispatched with more alacrity and firmness. And having no clue what civil disobedience really means, they'd have fucked off not to refuck again, all white privilege illusion finally shot to pieces.

No doubt this is coming home to the US. It should get a good crack down while still rolling, before they park themselves and start blockading anything. Because our brain-wormed convoy will be likely armed and will have a greater siege mentality from all the Canada-fail victimhood. And we should avoid them circling the trailers and whatnot. They should have no quarter.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Oh, yeah, the funding revelations have been eye-opening. This was an attempt to jumpstart a Jan 6 style coup against Trudeau.

I don't think this would fly in the US, road rage is just too dangerous here.

Ten Bears said...

I am impressed by the mollycoddling: don't open the door we smash the window out and open it for you; don't get out of the car we drag you out of the car ...

Could do with a bit of that 'round here

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I think the authorities were very restrained, too restrained, for weeks, and this is the result of pent-up frustration.

Buttermilk Sky said...

I understand they tried this in Brussels and nobody showed up.

Richard said...

I want to thank Vixen Strangely for her rant. It is a good passionate rant and i am with this.
Frankly, Canada should have shut them down...