Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gaulois Galoot Goes Galt

Finally, an overprivileged tax-avoiding whiner has the courage to "go Galt"- Ubuesque actor Gerard Depardieu has finally gotten sick of all the merdre he's put up with at the hands of the money-grabbing French government and moved to the capitalists' paradise (you read that right) of Russia to enjoy their 13% flat income tax. Of course, Tea Party types love their flat taxes, largely because flat taxes are regressive.

Perhaps the Tea Partiers can be convinced to move en masse to Russia, where they won't be taxed excessively. The fact that Russia is an oligarchy led by corrupt kleptocrats backed by armed thugs should be no problem for the Tea Party supporters. Now, besides playing up the flat tax angle, how do we convince the 'baggers to move to Russia? Maybe we can convince George Soros to fund the construction of a Potemkin Branson in Siberia.

Alternate post title: Depardieu.s.s.r.

Cross posted at Rumproast.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What goes around, comes around, etc. etc.

mikey said...

I saw Potemkin Branson playing in a small bar in Redding, California a few years ago...

M. Bouffant said...

Isn't ol' Gerry an airplane pisser? Why yes, yes he is.

Smut Clyde said...


Smut Clyde said...

I figure that it's really up to the French to care or not care about Depardieu bugging off to Russia because he doesn't want to pay for such things as the French health-care system (that provided him with a quintuple heart bypass operation back in 2000).

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

isn't he supposed to be an actor?

Substance McGravitas said...

Now he can rape Russian hookers all he likes.