Tuesday, June 16, 2020

US Cyber Command Commander Discovers Social Media

General Paul M. Nakasone, Director of the National Security Agency and Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, decided to open us a social media account, and I suspect he immediately regretted it:

The replies are a farrago of QAnon nonsense and grotesque 'Pepe the Frog' memes. Right wingers love stolen valor more than anything (they'll take fake heroes over real heroes any day of the week), and the QAnon adherents are the worst. They fancy themselves 'digital soldiers' waging 'information warfare' by shitposting and spamming the accounts of their enemies (people such as Ellen Degeneres, Tom Hanks, and Lady Gaga) with their puerile memes. Scroll down if you have a masochistic streak and a warped sense of humor, then weep for humanity after you've gotten your laugh. General Nakasone, Joe32058117534 is at your service, ready to use Twitter to 'redpill' the normies with a sustained barrage of frog cartoons and 'buff Trump' photoshops.

Welcome to the internet General, you'd be completely justified pulling the plug on the thing.

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