Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Meaningless Gesture

I heard it, around half-past noon, but I couldn't be bothered looking, because I considered it a Debordian spectacle... the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flew overhead. Taxpayer dollars that should have been spent on securing PPE and ventilators have been pissed away on an empty gesture. Being a cynical man, I have to note that Trump loves his 'stolen valor', he's the draft dodger who says he wanted a Purple Heart, throws dictator-style military parades, the guy who wants to drag West Pointers back for graduation to satisfy his grandiosity.

We need a president who is serious about this national crisis, rather than a spoiled child who thinks that the military is his 'toy soldier' set. Here in New York, at the epicenter of the outbreak in the US, we can't be bought off or wowed by such empty, wasteful gestures.


Anathema Device said...

Nothing is too much trouble for Mr Trump, provided someone else is doing the work, someone else is paying for it, someone else is organising it, and he's the one getting the praise for it.

The emptiness of this gesture is endless. It's pointless, wasteful, and only designed to impress Fox viewers. Pretty much describes everything he's done since he was inaugurated.

Al said...

No One for President 2020!

Tom Shefchik said...

Thanks to the impeached president and the rest of the GOP, it will be a long time before the rest of the world can imagine America being great again.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It's depressing isn't it? It's like a Mayday parade in Pyongyang with mobile missile launchers and tanks.