Monday, March 16, 2020

His Father's Bailouts Didn't Save His Businesses, Either

Last week, the Fed cut interest rates to zero, earmarked $700 billion for quantitative easing, and the NY Fed promised to inject $1.5 trillion into the economy to stabilize the tanking financial markets, leading to a bounce which the Occupant of the White House lauded during a press conference that was supposed to address the COVID-19 pandemic:

To demonstrate how bad Trump's 'reverse Midas touch' is, the Dow lost almost three-thousand points, the largest single loss in history. Not even the promise of a massive bailout package could stop the financial carnage.

I'm not looking for financial salvation from an individual who has bankrupted as many businesses as Trump has. He has been the recipients of bailouts before, including a whacko $3 million gift his father engineered by buying poker chips at his stupid son's casino. His father's bailouts didn't save the idiot's businesses, the Fed bailout won't save Trump from being branded a recession president.

I'd find this all very comical, but real lives will be ruined by this idiot's malfeasance and incompetence.

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