Sunday, June 7, 2020

Spectator Sports Are Back

I figured I would take a break from the terrible news that has been dominating the airwaves, and I am happy that spectator sports have returned to distract me from the sorry state of the world:

That prodigious leaper is one of the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) that have been visiting my workplace lately. This particular deer was browsing near the stream which flows through this site when I startled it from the vantage of a footbridge on our site perimeter. Ordinarily, we only have deer at this site on occasion, but being closed to visitors and staffed by a skeleton crew has made the place more attractive to these normally (but not always) shy creatures. This photo turned out to be so much better than the one I had been anticipating... I didn't expect that leap.


  1. Wow, nice shot, and how lovely to have wild deer at your work place!

  2. It was pure luck, which resulted in a much better photo than the static shot I was looking for.

    Our head horticulturist isn't the biggest fan of our deer population.

  3. Then they should stop planting all that tasty green stuff where the deer can get at it, shouldn't they :)

    Deer can be on the destructive side. Feral deer (we have no native species) in Australia are a bit of a problem. Lots of escapes from deer farms etc.

    But they're so very pretty to look at.

  4. Nice photo, and glad to know your workplace is wild deer. We need them so badly)))
