Saturday, December 1, 2012


Wow, it's been three years since I've been posting here at my little htmstead on the Intert00bz. I have to tell you, things have just been getting better and better as they have progressed. The biggest development in my year-o-blogging was being invited to contribute to the Award Winning Rumproast Blog. Being in such august company keeps a bastard on his toes. In a weird synchronicity, this development coincided with a promotion on the job.

Also, I finally hit the six digit mark this year, and I am grateful to my beloved fellow bloggers who have steered traffic my way. Thanks again, folks.

The blogroll still grows- my latest addition was "Just Allison's" Biodiversity Revolution blog. I needed someone from the Drouthy Antipodes on the blogroll, can't let the folks from the Not-so-Drouthy Antipodes have all the fun. Plus, I figured I'd like to have people who may have seen The Celibate Rifles play live back in the day, as well as people who may have seen The Clean.

It's been an interesting year personally and politically, so I haven't had to struggle for material. For me, the blogging experience is a weird mix of sudden inspiration and long-planned posts (such as the monthly Secret Science Club recaps). Most of the time, I don't know what I'm going to write about when I turn on the old laptop. Of course, I get a lot of inspiration from my blogging compatriots, you people truly are the best. Thanks for supporting me through yet another great year of blogging, folks... and lurkers, please don't be shy, I love comments. Even better, start blogging, there's always room on the blogroll!


  1. Happy, Happy!

    And from your six digit post:

    Another Kiwi said...

    Also, sorry about searching for the Hairy Chested Yeti Crabs so often. I was drunk for most of July/August

    November 8, 2012 7:44 PM


  2. Congrats!

    People always told me there was tremendous satisfaction in writing, but in fact they were only half right.

    There is tremendous satisfaction in writing if you have an audience reading it. And that is the great democratizing breakthrough that is the blog. There is no one to tell you if you can publish, or what you can publish. You just hit the orange button!

  3. Happy, Happy!

    Thanks for your unflagging support from Day One, old chum. In a lot of ways, you're the linchpin of this corner of the t00bz. You never fail to link to and comment on everybody's blog. In my Web, you're the mayor.

    Happy Blogbirthday!

    Thanks, old chum!

    There is tremendous satisfaction in writing if you have an audience reading it. And that is the great democratizing breakthrough that is the blog. There is no one to tell you if you can publish, or what you can publish. You just hit the orange button!

    I like it because it's like running your own little magazine, with no real deadlines and complete editorial control. Also, I became pretty obsessed with the stats... you mean, some person in Lithuania is reading my stuff? FAR OUT!!!

  4. Oh. Thought for a moment you meant you were making six figures. (Well, maybe you are.)

    That's pretty good; most of my early traffic was furriners looking for pics of half-nekkid celebrities I stole from other sites. Pervs! (Now it's X% spam.)

    Many happy returns, & keep up the good work, or else!

  5. Dude, it has been a great pleasure to read your stuff. Long may you continue.

  6. That's pretty good; most of my early traffic was furriners looking for pics of half-nekkid celebrities I stole from other sites. Pervs! (Now it's X% spam.)

    I got a lot of horny d00ds looking for Frank Frazetta pinups.

    Many happy returns, & keep up the good work, or else!

    Thanks, especially coming from the hardest working man on the t00bz.

    Dude, it has been a great pleasure to read your stuff. Long may you continue.

    I'd be remiss if I didn't say that "Riddled" was a major factor in my starting this blog. Thanks for the inspiration and support.

  7. Happy birthday. Look forward to meeting up tomorrow.

  8. Congratulations! Your blogs is without a doubt, one of my favourites. :) I know I've been a bad blogging friend since the summer this year but I'm hoping that's going to change now that things are slowing down.

    I'll bake a cake in honour of your celebration!


  9. "Riddled" was a major factor in my starting this blog.

    Every time AK blogs about zorbs he is a roll model.

  10. Oddly, this week, apparently due to a post I wrote in July about a weird French law I am experiencing the unique condition where I have more pageviews from France than I do from the US. I wish a few of them would comment - I'd love to know what they're thinking.

    You're meeting the illustrious Major Kong? Please pass along my respect, and thanks to BUFF drivers in general...

  11. Happy birthday. Look forward to meeting up tomorrow.

    Cool! I'll alert N__B and try to rustle up some other blahger types.

    Congratulations! Your blogs is without a doubt, one of my favourites. :) I know I've been a bad blogging friend since the summer this year but I'm hoping that's going to change now that things are slowing down.

    Thanks! The appreciation is mutual! I still think you should do the 12 days of ChristMASS.

    Every time AK blogs about zorbs he is a roll model.

    I know, I can just picture him rolling around town in his zorb, the envy of everyone he passes.

    Plus I have the bread roll shape.

    Kaiser roll or Parker House roll? AFAF

    Oddly, this week, apparently due to a post I wrote in July about a weird French law I am experiencing the unique condition where I have more pageviews from France than I do from the US. I wish a few of them would comment - I'd love to know what they're thinking.

    Funny how that works out! I wish I'd get more non-anglosphere commenters.

    You're meeting the illustrious Major Kong? Please pass along my respect, and thanks to BUFF drivers in general...

    Will do. Have you seen his Kos diaries?

  12. Nah. He often had my exposed flank in the prehistoric days of Sadly No. His eloquence, experience and passion always drove me to try to find a way to make my own points better and more effectively. Plus, anyone who's ever humped a BDA cannot come away without enormous respect for the power he held in his hands...

  13. It's been a pleasure reading your blog and getting to know you. I think it's only a matter of time before we toast to something in meatspace. But until then, Imma gonna keepa readin'.
