Friday, November 30, 2012

Vin's Birthday

Today is my brother Vincenzo's birthday. Vincenzo vive in il Veneto, vicino di Verona. He's got a sweet situation- he lives in a house on the grounds of a farm. His landlord has adopted him and his family, and brings over fresh produce and eggs on a regular basis. Every Sunday, Vin, his wife, and their kids have dinner at the landlord's house. The kids get horse rides and generally live an idyllic life in one of the world's most charming countrysides. Not a bad gig, da vero?

Buon compleanno, fratellino!


  1. It's sounds REALLY lovely! Lucky him. :)

    Buon compleanno Vincenzo! Tutto il meglio! :)


  2. OK, I'm jealous. How'd he manage that?

  3. Damn.

    And here I feel lucky if at the end of the week my landlord hasn't forced his way in, maced me, had me arrested and started eviction proceedings...

  4. OK, I'm jealous. How'd he manage that?

    I'm sure he's cuter than both of us.

  5. It's sounds REALLY lovely! Lucky him. :)

    Yeah, it's a pretty sweet gig.

    OK, I'm jealous. How'd he manage that?

    Uncle Sam done sent him there. He's been sent much worse places.

    Happy B-Day, Vin!

    That would have been easier for him to arrange when he was in American Samoa. Now, he'll put the orange twist in the Campari.

    And here I feel lucky if at the end of the week my landlord hasn't forced his way in, maced me, had me arrested and started eviction proceedings...

    Yeah, it's a totally different culture here.

    I'm sure he's cuter than both of us.

    He has an enticingly large forehead.
