Thursday, May 19, 2011

Consideration of the Banhammer...

In a comment on my last post, I joked about using the banhammer. I've never banned any commenter (I don't think I've even deleted a comment, being remarkably spam-free), but, as I indicated in a previous post, I think the one offense that would prompt a ban is posting disparaging comments about Nena Kerner and/or her eponymous band. Regarding Ms. Kerner, let's just say that, on my part, it's always been Leibe auf den ersten Blick:

As if she weren't worthy of your complete adoration before, the Wiki indicates that she recently founded a school based on the Sudbury model. I hope this doesn't upset anyone, but I think that Nena is better than kittens. Yeah, I said it, don't make me bring out the banhammer!

Note: Even disparaging comments about Nena's headband will be considered borderline. You've been warned!


  1. Nena is better than kittens

    But is she better than fairy-kittens? Nein.

    Don't bother banning me. I will just return stronger and more powerful than before.

  2. When I was in eighth grade, one of my classmates had lived in the Soviet Union and she was into a lot of European bands. She loved Nena and tried (unsuccessfully) to show us there was more to them than "99 Luftballons".

  3. You know, B^4, now that I know your luft spot, I'm gonna tease you mercilessly about Nena. Now that I know she's your luft, white underbelly...

  4. perhaps you should ban the consideration hammer....

  5. I'm gonna tease you mercilessly about Nena.

    You can't tease me more than Nena herself did!

    When I was in eighth grade, one of my classmates had lived in the Soviet Union and she was into a lot of European bands. She loved Nena and tried (unsuccessfully) to show us there was more to them than "99 Luftballons".

    One of the production staff at the radio station I listened to had taken a trip to Germany and bought the single to "99 Luftballons", so I was (borderline hipster comment warning) hip to it before my classmates were. When I told them it would be a monster hit, they were incredulous- it's in German. Who's laughing now?

    perhaps you should ban the consideration hammer....

    Perhaps... perhaps...

  6. Some dumb winger left stupid comments on my blog, and I deleted 'em.

    It's my blog, and I don't have to put up with having it stained by the likes of serr8ed or whatever its name is.

  7. Nena ist das Scheiss.

    Ja, ist der Wrheit, Schazi!

  8. your luft, white underbelly...

    I see what you do there.

  9. Schazi!
    I do not rate for Schwabian dialect.

  10. I have a Facebook friend who has been posting every cover of 99 Luftballons he can find on YouTube. He must have exceeded 100 by now.

  11. I do not rate for Schwabian dialect.

    Hessians risk the banhammer!

    He must have exceeded 100 by now.

    It's an awesome song, by the band with the dreamiest lead singer EVAR!!!

  12. Ich glaube es ist leibe, nicht liebe auf den ersten Blick, aber Nena esta muy caliente.
