Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Hit the 20,000 Mark

Woo Hoo! I just hit the 20,000 pageviews mark (I just started tracking the blog stats recently). My affectionate yet tongue-in-cheek eulogy for gifted artist and unapologetic ass-man Frank Frazetta remains my most popular post, with 1,544 Pageviews. Can't spell "traffic" without the letters "T" and "A", it seems. Thank you, horny fantasy fans! Oddly enough, I haven't had any hits result from the phrase "boning an elf"... that makes me kinda sad.

Other miscellaneous notes, I have 94 visits from Latvia, at least 31 from Iran, 58 from the Philippines, and 50 from Ukraine. I'd love to know what search criteria brought those visitors. Latvian readers, Lett me know how you found me!

Thanks to all of my readers, I love you all. If you are a first-time visitor to the site, please post a comment, and check out the wonderful, gorgeous people on the blogroll.


  1. Sometimes, I think the BBBB is just a big softy.
    But we love him for all that.

  2. " I haven't had any hits result from the phrase "boning an elf"... that makes me kinda sad."

    Way to fall down on the job, Rule 34!

  3. I used to get a very persistent searcher looking for "woman sucking fish." Amazing that I was a disappointment to that search.

  4. Uh-oh. Now the pandering begins.

    Can't spell "traffic" without the letters "T" and "A", it seems.

    No, one cannot.

    I'm afraid much of the elf traffic goes here.

  5. I'll warn you one time, young man:

    (I just started tracking the blog stats recently)

    Blog stats will drive you insane.

    (I blame fish.)

  6. No Thunder, not crazy, hah hah, Knowledge, you see, power in the clipboard, hah hah.
    Not that anyone at Riddled looks at the big digital display on the wall showing post numbers, ha ha.

    Yes capcha it is bally.

  7. Certainly no-one is bitter that the number-one post bringing search traffic is one from tigris about lion-men carvings.

  8. First time visitor, long time commentor. Love the site. Just had to ask you one question*. Are you really big and bald?

    *Totes heterosexually, of course.

  9. and check out the wonderful, gorgeous people on the blogroll.

    BTW...awww, shucks. Thanks, B^4. And it's nice of you to throw a bone to your other blogrollers and let 'em think they're gorgeous, too.

  10. First time visitor, long time commentor. Love the site. Just had to ask you one question*. Are you really big and bald?

    Yeah, by all means click. DK-W and I weren't being AT ALL creepy.

  11. 20,000 Marks? That's an awful lot of hitting, and seems awfully specific to just target people named Mark.

    and check out the wonderful, gorgeous people on the blogroll.

    ...but avoid that damn tiresome zombie.

  12. Sometimes, I think the BBBB is just a big softy.

    I'm onto your reindeer games, you're just trying to get free ice cream!

    Way to fall down on the job, Rule 34!

    I can't complain, some poor sucker found the site using the search term "bad OG gay"!

    I'm afraid much of the elf traffic goes here.

    I'm relieved, I thought it was a link to McAddled. Note to self, vistit Iceland, wear pointy shoes.

    First time visitor, long time commentor. Love the site. Just had to ask you one question*. Are you really big and bald?

    I have been compared to the world's largest cuddly chew toy, and I am as bald as an egg, or an eel, if you will.

    Blog stats will drive you insane.

    A lot of my traffic comes from some sexxay guy in a state that's just like a riddle...

    Certainly no-one is bitter that the number-one post bringing search traffic is one from tigris about lion-men carvings.

    I could be worse, it could have been lion-men cravings- come for the furfic, stay for the hilarity!

    Thanks, B^4. And it's nice of you to throw a bone to your other blogrollers and let 'em think they're gorgeous, too.

    Pink rabbit ears... oh baby!

    ...but avoid that damn tiresome zombie.

    Zombies is peoples! I don't discriminate against shamblin Americans.

  13. I'm relieved, I thought it was a link to McAddled. Note to self, vistit Iceland, wear pointy shoes.

    Typo, or Freudian slip?

  14. I can't complain, some poor sucker found the site using the search term "bad OG gay"!

    OK, that made me giggle. BAD OG GAY! BAD!

    Pink rabbit ears... oh baby!

    I don't know what the hell I just experienced, but I feel sure I only needed to experience it once.

  15. I don't know what the hell I just experienced, but I feel sure I only needed to experience it once.

    Don't be dissing the late, great Imawano Kyoshiro, and the great Ryuchi Sakamoto! I just might have to break out the banhammer, or, in this case, the ban-kanabo!

  16. All that poop and goatse and I still get over 1/3 Pokémon hits.

  17. ARGH!! Why are my searches so BORING? The only awesome search I get is "Robot Mad Libs." And keep in mind, I have titles like "Good Things I Put in My Body" and "Blond on Blonds." I mean, WTF? What's it's going to take?

    w/v is nosedrok

  18. Over the years I have been surprised to learn that people can get very specific about the kind of circle jerks they like to see.

    Congrats, B4, and here's to 20,000 more page views!

  19. Checking the stats...
    "Pete townshend birthday", "lion", "rosicrucian art" and "smut clyde hatchjaw" are all bringing in the punters.
    That is the sort of erudite, cultivated people attracted to Riddled.
