Friday, May 20, 2011

That Whole Rapture Thing

The whole "Rapture" kerfuffle really has me pissed at the American media. Why the hell is this loon getting any coverage at all? Hell, I'm even a little pissed at myself for writing about this. The world is not going to end tomorrow. It's not even going to be the beginning of the end. Why do the Rapture obsessives even call themselves Christians? Wouldn't they be happier following Asatru, which has a more "metal" eschatological fantasy? And while we're at it, can we can the bullshit about "people of faith" being humble? What the hell is more egotistical than believing that you will be the centerpiece of Universe Shaking Events? Really, the "end of days" isn't coming in your lifetime, you're just a bunch of atoms inhabiting a galactic exurb, the cosmological equivalent of East Podunk. Sheesh.

As can be surmised, I don't believe in "The Rapture", it's just not a tenet of my faith, The Church of Ledernacken. Oddly enough, a search of my blog reveals that this is my first post to mention Ledernacken. I thought one of my earlier posts included a Ledernacken video... well, there's nothing to do but to rectify this error:

And who could possibly forget the gentle, melodic strains of Amok?

Ha sha ka! Ha sha ka! Go and sin some more!


  1. I did not remember what I was missing with the AMOK. Now where are those DAF records?

  2. Askeert to see or hear any of that dying metal, & it is not entirely unreasonable to suspect Ledernacken & Laibach may be related, so ...

    All seriousness aside, I was cogitatin' the whyfore of "rapture" attention earlier & realized it's simply because the 89-yr. old dingbat has been blowing millions on billboards & other publicity seeking.

    Probably deserving of a quick peek from the lame-stream media, even. But once latched onto it snowballs, avalanche-stylee, & they can't stop themselves. (Also, the obvious fact is that media libs are pointing & laughing at all Xians when they mention any of this.)

  3. WHAT???

    You folks haven't been taken already???

  4. I kind of wish the Rapture would happen just so I don't have to hear those assholes talk anymore. We're going to have to deal with lakes of fire and pestilence in the next few decades anyway--it would be a lot more fun without them.

  5. understand that the SON does not know the exact date on which the following prophesy will occur—"only the FATHER". so, anyone who claims to know the exact date has been misled.

    yes, HE will come to snatch up all who are "in CHRIST", but first all who have passed away. "After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And so we will be with the LORD forever."(1Th 4:16-17 NIV)

    so that you will not be misled today, study the Bible today.(Mat 24:36; Mar 13:32)

  6. Nicholas, when you are raptured, can I take your stuff?

  7. People who liked Ledernacken videos also enjoyed Turning Brown and Torn in Two (from 1983).
