Saturday, April 9, 2022

Sad News About a Bastard Favorite

Via Malaclypse, I have learned that a Bastard fave, 'Jazz Butcher' Pat Fish, died last October at the all-too-young age of 64.

My first introduction to Mr Fish was as a youth listening to college radio.  The album Distressed Gentlefolk was a particular favorite of the young Bastard, with it's mix of jangle-pop and droll lyrics:


A few years back, I was sent on one of my period binge-listens to The Fall after hearing Southern Mark Smith (the joke being that Mark Smith is decidedly Northern):

Mr Fish seemed to be channeling Mr Smith in his surreal, kinda-disturbing 1984 track Caroline Wheeler's Birthday Present:

A posthumous album was released, and the single Time is particularly poignant in light of Pat's passing:

Of course, the best way to commemorate musicians is to blast their music, and I've found a live 1985 performance by Pat Fish and the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy.  This is a good introduction to the man's music and drollery

I'm bummed out at hearing of Pat Fish's passing, but the musical legacy he left behind is some consolation.

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