Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Some Vacation!

It's been one of those vacations, the sort in which I've accomplished more than I do on a typical work day.  First thing today, I helped mom clear up an email problem she'd had for two month, getting her gmail account back on line.  Oddly enough, I had originally thought that her computer was on the blink, so I bought her a tablet to tide her over until she could resolve the issue (in this age of remote learning, I couldn't find a laptop for under $800).  I fixed her email issue, but still went ahead setting up the tablet for her- she's not big on tech, but a quick Zoom meeting with my brother Sweetums in Switzerland removed any skepticism on mom's part.

Then we moved onto more mundane, or rather hydrological, concerns.   Mom needed to replace a shower head and a toilet flapper (not to be confused with 
Louise Brooks. We headed to MUMBLEMUMBLE (the only hardware store in town) to buy the materials, and I spent the afternoon playing glorified Legos.  Thankfully, everything is in good working order.  Tomorrow ids yardwork day, with one task involving the transfer of a grown-from-the-pit avocado sapling into a larger pot.

In the meantime, I also spoke to baby brother Gomez, and will try to arrange an all-siblings Zoom for later in the week.

I'm going to need a vacation to recover from such a busy vacation!

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