Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pining for Brooklyn

Tragically, I will have to miss tonight's Secret Science Club lecture because I was just not able to provide for coverage on the job. It'll be the first regular Brooklyn lecture that I've missed in just about ten years, when I missed a lecture on the night of my father's death. I am bummed about this, but duty cannot be put aside, and weekends have always been my crunch time, weekends in October especially so.

Before I head off to work, rather than Brooklyn, I figure I'll post a video of atmospheric researcher Dr Sonali McDermid, this month's speaker. I figure that I can't write up this lecture, so I will provide some link to the good doctor's knowledge:

I firmly believe that my Secret Science Club recaps are my most important posts. They are the posts which require the most time, and the most research, to write... the posts which force me to bring my 'A game' to this whole business of writing. The write-ups also reinforce the knowledge conveyed to my own mind, by writing them I have better recall, am actually made smarter. I guess October isn't a month for getting smarter, being a mad dash to get the job done on the job.

Next month, I should have no schedule conflicts, so I anticipate heading down to the beautiful Bell House. Tonight, though, I will be casting my eyes, forlornly, to the Southeast, and dreaming of 'SCIENCE!'

ADDENDUM: I just want to thank SSC regular Chris A., Margaret, and Dorian. They are the ones I always text if I’m running late, because my absence from a lecture would mean that something happened to me. They are good, devoted friends, truly devoted to SCIENCE!

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