Tuesday, March 18, 2014

International Recovery Day

Regarding yesterday's activities, I have to defer to Los Lobos, one of the world's greatest bar bands:

If there's one sort of person I would not trust, it's a person of Irish descent who doesn't have an affinity for the Mexican people and their culture (I'm looking at you messrs. O'Reilly and Hannity). From the doomed San Patricio Battalion to today's muckracking Irish-American literati, the Irish and the Mexicans have seemed to "get" each other- hell, people of Mexican descent even dig Morrissey. Back in the days when I had hair, Los Lobos played a live set in Hollywood with the Pogues as a supporting act. I imagine the crowd there was well oiled and dancing like mad folk.

I had a Cuban-American co-worker who used to often say, "Con el pecado, vendrá la penitencia. "With sin, there will come penance." I don't consider drinking and carrying on a sin, so there was nothing wrong with me that a day full of drinking copious amounts of water didn't "fix". If you are more of the religious sort, Los Lobos performed a really pretty version of Guadelupe (which I have posted before) with the Chieftains:

If you're the devout sort, make sure you don't stand too close to naughty cousin Christy, it might get a little too lightning-bolty there. Now, where'd I put that coffee pot?