Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rendering Unto Caesar

Been working on the taxes, so it'll be a quick post. As I wrote last year,
I don't mind paying my taxes. Plus, I'd rather pay my taxes than go to federal pound me in the ass prison. Yeah, Uncle Sam, take the cash.

I also want to take time to complain about President Obama's call to let the extended Bush tax cuts expire... he and the Democratic Congress should have let them, all of them, expire last year.


  1. I finished my taxes too, just need to write the check and put it in the mail. And even though I'm writing a check for over $1000 tonight -- I'd be fine seeing my cuts expire, as long as the cuts for the rich expire too. Then they can shut the fuck up about all these fake deficit problems they created in order to try to rebuild America into some sort of Randian wasteland.

  2. The sad thing about the Democrats letting the blue dog tail wag the party is that the blue dogs are suck-ass losers.


  3. P.S. Good to see you've got ORBS posting on your blog, BBBB.


  4. Man, this will only depress you.

    Gee thanks. I'm glad heavy drinking is scheduled to begin in 25 minutes.

  5. Now it scores political points to let the tax cuts expire.

    They're so caring.

  6. Now it scores political points to let the tax cuts expire.

    They'll manage to fuck this up... the media is in the tank for the GOP- how the hell do the Democrats think they'll get credit for letting the tax cuts expire?

    They could have killed the tax cuts off by doing nothing... like I said, I didn't even want my damn tax cut in the first place, and the fact that it was used as a hostage infuriates me.

    When the Bush administration sent me my initial "tax cut" check, I fulminated, "Do you think I can be bought off?"
