Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Early Sarah Palin Video?

It would be irresponsible not to speculate:

A tip of the hat to the good Doktor, whose dive into the Maelstrom of Madness has led me on my own demented Vision Quest.

Now, so as not to single out fringe kooks who peddle their whackaloonery, how about some good old-fashioned mainstream 'Murkin kookery, huh? These cretins are actually elected legislators in the Heartland:

Yeah, Monkey Trials have come back in the 21st Century. The U.S. is pretty much doomed if this crap continues.


  1. The U.S. is pretty much doomed if this crap continues.

    It does seem like it... surreal, just surreal.

  2. I dunno. I think the top lady may be on to something. I'm pretty convinced George Dubya is part lizard.

  3. Monkey Trials have come back in the 21st Century.

    realistically, they never really left.

  4. No, no, ur doin it wrong!
    It's monkey butlers
    Trials, you need an Orang.
