Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gettin' Lazy Here...

So, I spent a good amount of time spacing out, trying to figure out what I should write about. I've been keeping appalling hours, and I had a minor "situation" to attend to at another job site (8 miles from my usual location), so I'll fall back on the old "post a video" gambit. Big Al, a DJ on the local college radio station featured the Jazz Butcher album Bloody Nonsense on his 3AM "platter hour" feature. I remember playing the hell out of the album Distressed Gentlefolk in my yute. There's just not enough of the Jazz Butcher on the t00bz, but here's a taste:


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Not bad. I'd not heard the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy before.

Hanx, BBBB!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Rebecca wants her bicycle back, thundra.

J Neo Marvin said...

Hey, speaking of 80s indie rock, every Australian I've ever known swears by the Laughing Clowns, but I've never heard any of their stuff. Are you a fan?