Friday, July 9, 2021

Subway Ark Needed

Today was a fun day, the main story is that a thunderstorm yesterday and the remnants of Tropical Storm Elsa today were a one-two punch to the region, resulting in extensive flooding and rain damage.  I am familiar with the local roadways which are prone to flooding- most of the parkways were built by watercourses, to enhance the parklike setting, so the Bronx River Parkway, Hutchinson River Parkway, and Saw Mill River Parkway are best avoided.  Indeed, these three roadways were closed due to flooding.

I took local roads home, which worked out well because I had an errand to run at a business that didn't open until 9AM, two hours after I clocked out.  Luckily, I didn't encounter any fallen trees on any of the roads I traversed.  When I finally got home, there was water in the basement (the backyard is dirt because its shaded by a humongous oak tree in a neighbor's yard, and there are always children and a dog running around), but I prudently bought a small wet/dry vac on sale at a local hardware store last fall, so cleanup was fairly easy.  I was pretty knackered when I finished.  My upstairs neighbor is going away next weekend, so I might try to plant some water-absorbing ground cover while I have the place to myself.

The real story is that global warming is real, resulting in stronger storms with greater rainfall.  I really can't complain, I'm not sweltering under a heat dome, and I live on a hill, so flooding is not a major problem.  Still, this is an existential problem, if not typically a personal one.

1 comment:

  1. Way over here in Utah i heard there was a storm in New York area. My informant was not sure where it happened. It was probably in Brooklyn, but what do we know?
    Images of flooded subways and wet carpets. Soggy basements, ankle deep in water.
    My informant told me that she talked to her friend. The friend said it is ok. It has happened before.
