Saturday, July 10, 2021

A Light Read About Horrible People

Tonight, before heading off to work, I figure I'll put up a link to some Pure Comedy Gold (black comedy, indeed, so I guess it's Pure Black Gold Comedy).  If you enjoy reading about horrible people being taken to the cleaners by a horrible person, this piece from the Intercept about a 'doomsday prepper specialist' fleecing a bunch of wealthy right-wingers is the piece for you.  It involves affinity fraud, stolen valor, and right-wing paranoia, coalescing into a series of shell companies which promised to whisk wealthy clients to a doomsday compound in case of... uhhhh... doomsday:

For clients wealthy enough to enroll in Life Continuity but not quite wealthy enough to ship a lifetime’s supply of freeze-dried meals and combat boots to northern Michigan, Moore at least brainstormed other options. Among his hundreds of patent filings is one for a “Rescue Container Method and Apparatus,” which is essentially a large reinforced tomb that would be fixed atop your house, ready to be plucked from the air by a helicopter and whisked away to safety with you, your family, and your survival cargo inside.

I imagine that, even if this were a serious offering, those clients not quite wealthy enough to ship a lifetime’s supply of freeze-dried meals and combat boots to northern Michigan would be considered a lower priority than high rollers.

The comedy crescendo hits when right-wing thriller author Brad Thor writes a Breitbart post titled “When Liberal ‘Journalists’ Attack, Real Americans Suffer” about a man that, within four years, he was involved in an acrimonious lawsuit against.  Again, it's Pure Comedy.

If you're in the mood for a funny story, spiced with a liberal dose of Schadenfreude, this is a must-read.  We all need some comic relief these days, and this fits the bill nicely.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that adage about a fool and his money could be relevant here :)
