Monday, May 3, 2021

Dart the Reluctant

It's infuriating that a sizable percentage of the population is experiencing 'vaccine reluctance'.  It's even more infuriating that the talking points being deployed by the anti-vaxxers, who also tend to be anti-mask and anti-lockdown... being pro-pandemic for all intents and purposes.  The latest lunacy is that vaccinated people shed vaccine particles which interfere with menstrual cycles of those in the vicinity.  This is now being pushed by a QAnon whacko who ran unsuccessfully against Nancy Pelosi.  She believes that vaccines are satanic:

 At this point, we'll never achieve herd immunity with so many vaccine holdouts unless we take drastic measures.  It's time to shoot those idiots with dart guns firing vaccination needles.


  1. Menstrual Cycles...

    Another chapter in the never-ending preoccupation that conservatives have with the lady parts and all of the other naughty sexy things in general.

  2. Yeah, they really have some bizarre hangups, and for all their talk of freedom, they really do love coercion.

  3. "it's teaching people to trust science instead of their guts"

    Quelle horreur!

  4. I know, what kind of freak trusts his or her brain over his or her tripes?
