Friday, March 5, 2021

Manic Pixie Nightmare Senator

Kyrsten Sinema is... well... an exasperating public figure.  She burst on the scene as a potentially game-changing figure, an openly bisexual, openly atheistic senator with a daring fashion sense.  She beat GOP loony Martha McSally, which solidified her as a Democratic celebrity.  With her foxy librarian glasses, and her colorful pandemic wigs, she became a sort of manic pixie dream girl for a certain class of political pundits.  

With her opposition to a national minimum wage of fifteen dollars, Senator Sinema has cemented her position as a conservadem, a problematic wrench-thrower along the lines of a Joe Manchin, of for those of us who remember this far back, a Joe Lieberman.  She may look like the slightly kooky hipster of a twee rom-com, but she's no progressive... she just looks so SASSY when she's consigning working-class Americans to poverty:


 That cute skirt, though, and that handbag!  Not to mention that hipper-than-thou insouciance!  Marie Antoinette herself couldn't muster such insouciance.  This manic pixie dream girl sure turned out to be a nightmare.

I sure hope her ass gets primaried.  The conventional wisdom holds that Arizona is not the sort of state which sends liberal Democrats to the Senate, but Mark Kelly sure looks like he's a lot more liberal, in all senses of the word, than Sinema.  Surely, someone (I'm holding out for Rob Halford) can run against her from the left.  I'm sure there are plenty of Arizonans who would welcome a doubling of their hourly wages.

1 comment:

  1. The Senator looks a bit like the character of Alice from The Magicians on Netflix.
