Monday, September 28, 2020

MAGA Malignant Masculinity

If one were to ask me what my single finest line of prose were, I would unhesitatingly say it is the aphorism: "The problem with toxic masculinity is the toxicity, not the masculinity." Toxic masculinity is the cornerstone of the MAGA movement, with Trump himself being credibly accused of beating his first wife. My first reaction on hearing that Trump's former campaign manager Brad Parscale was arrested and hospitalized for threatening to kill himself was a bit of Schadenfreude, a jokey quip that he had, after 43 years, finally watched the end of Star Wars: There was speculation about whether Russian oligarchs were coming after him for ripping off the Trump campaign, for which he's accused of laundering $170 million, to finance his lavish lifestyle. Then there was the speculation that he was trying to distract the media from the unraveling Trump campaign. The reality turned out to be just plain gross and sad... the police were called by his wife, who accused him of beating her before grabbing a gun, which caused her to flee the house: She started saying all this ****... the call of the serial abuser. My gut feeling is that the manipulative creep threatened to turn the gun on himself to distract from pulling the gun on his wife. At any rate, if he is genuinely suicidal, I hope he gets the help that he needs and lives a long life, most of it spent in prison. This isn't the only MAGA domestic violence story to hit the news. An attendee of the right-wing rally in Portland who attacked a Black journalist has a history of domestic violence. Trump's White House staff has had a domestic violence problem. As bad as racism is in this society, I firmly believe that misogyny is an even bigger problem (the two usually go together like untreated sewage and cholera). The whole culture is toxic, this is what we have to vote out and, when that is done, root out.


  1. Every day I wake up in America, which is a racist white supremacist, militarized police state that is the most hated, evil and dangerous country on the planet. This cannot be changed by voting for a Democrat or Republican. I just keep wondering when the rest of the world is going to rise up and sanitize this country with extreme prejudice, good and hard.

  2. Thank you, BBBB. I think you've called all these points perfectly.

  3. I am anxiously and hopefully awaiting that well-deserved deep-cleaning of the USA by the rest of the world. Sadly, I know I am not blameless; but I will walk at the pressure-wash device if it will get rid of the Mango-hued Shitgibbon on November third.

    P.S. - I have already voted. I dropped my ballot into the City Clerk's drop-box at City Hall over a week ago, and I feel really good about my personal blow against the Empire!

  4. This cannot be changed by voting for a Democrat or Republican

    I don't buy into this despondency, vote for the party which more closely aligns with your values, and get involved so you can bend that party in the direction you wish it to go. Right wingers get this, look at the Tea Party, why can't we?

    Thank you, BBBB. I think you've called all these points perfectly.

    I call 'em like I see 'em!

    P.S. - I have already voted. I dropped my ballot into the City Clerk's drop-box at City Hall over a week ago, and I feel really good about my personal blow against the Empire!

    That's a good feeling. I am planning on taking advantage of New York's year-old early voting policy this year.
