Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Accusations of Cheating Before the Game Has Started

The Republican line of attack on Joe Biden has been that he's old and senile, hiding in a basement (this is a weird detail, the guy presumably has at least one comfortable residence with multiple rooms). At tonight's debate, though, Trump will be facing the real Joe Biden, rather than the right-wing cartoon version of the man, which bodes ill for the abysmally stupid Donald. Already, the right-wing noise machine is claiming that Biden will use some sort of chicanery to defeat the infallible God-Emperor. So far, we have claims (originated by conspiracy asshole Jerome Corsi) that Biden has received the debate questions in advance, though if Biden were a doddering dotard, how would he remember those questions. There is also the bizarre notion that Biden will be wearing an earpiece so he can be coached during the debate. The longest-running conspiracy theory regarding the upcoming debate is that Biden has been taking performance-enhancing drugs since the primary debates, an accusation echoed by Trump's whacko White House doctor. I was convinced that Biden was taking Alex Jones' Brain Force Plus, with lead: I now realize that I got it wrong, and that Biden will probably eat a kid before the debate: Yeah, nothing beats the performance-enhancing power of sweet, sweet adrenochrome... It seems clear to me that the Republicans know that Biden will wipe the debate stage with Trump tonight, so the excuses/accusations are flying thick and fast. It's a stupid runup to what promises to be an exceedingly stupid night.

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