Monday, August 3, 2020

I Didn't Need Those Anyway

If I were tasked with building something both beautiful and dangerous-looking, I would be hard pressed to design something more appropriate than the great black wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus). It's not the sort of thing which you want to see on top of your aspirin bottle:

Yeah, I didn't need those anyway... of course, things didn't go any better when it flew into the restroom when I needed to answer a call of nature. There was a lot of shooing before any pooing that morning, to be sure.


Anathema Device said...

Aw, come on, it don't eat much :)

Glad you didn't kill it though. Wasps are incredibly important insects, even if they might sting occasionally.

Richard said...

That's an awesome wasp. Sphex, you say. Don't mess with them. They can sting you. Mostly they don't care because they are busy. Of all things, a wasp is the least of my worries.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Glad you didn't kill it though. Wasps are incredibly important insects, even if they might sting occasionally.

I wouldn't have dreamed of killing such a beautiful creature. Also, their stings aren't supposed to be too bad.

That's an awesome wasp. Sphex, you say

Yeah, it really is a spectacular insect.