Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Florida is Dim Dumb Carcosa

Today's horror comes from the ungovernable backwater regions of Florida... where we have a public hearing in which masks are described by MAGA morons as 'tools of the devil'. There's a lot to unpack here:

I've often said that the greatest trick the authoritarians ever pulled was convincing the world that the Devil exists. Funny how that Devil can be repurposed for any lunatic cause- in this case the portrayal of a responsible behavior for the common good as something evil. Yeah, we're through the Stupid Looking Glass here. On another note, as a science geek, I have to call into question that bit about 'God's wonderful breathing system'- frankly, the mammalian breathing system is trash... I mean, having to breathe in and breathe out in succession is bullshit, birds breathe so much more efficiently. It is this sort of respiratory system, which separates ventilation and gas exchange, which probably allowed dinosaurs to grow to mind-boggling sizes. Suck it, mammals, by which I mean suck air.

Lost in the general lunacy of this public hearing is perhaps my favorite part, a statement as subtle as it is stupid... one of the women says to a doctor, “I have many question marks about your degrees and what you really know”. And SHE's the one who told another woman to go back to school!

Christ wept, this country is doomed.

Post title taken from a favorite horror classic of mine.


  1. I watch this stuff with a mixture of hilarity and horror.

    Booze helps, of course.

    BTW, Congratulations on getting Jamaal Bowman in your district!

  2. I recently replenished my supply of Tullamore Dew, though it's now official gin-and-tonic season.
