Thursday, June 25, 2020

They Sure Love Their Stolen Valor

Right-wingers love stolen valor more than just about anything... given a choice between a real hero and a fake hero, and they will choose the fake hero EVERY TIME. Now, they have gotten even more insufferable, not content with stolen-valor-by-proxy, they are now claiming it en masse:

At the behest of the anonymous shitposter known as 'Q', the 'digital soldiers' are taking oaths of office:

Christ, these people are stupid and offensive. How soon before they start asking Trump for government pension benefits because of their 'Information War'? Will these digital soldiers being spinning yarns about how their 'Pinochet Pepe' memes triggered the libs back in 2020?

Digital soldier, Q-drop blasta.
He was a digital soldier, in the War for America.
Posting all the dank memes, posting all his dark dreams.
If you know your your loony 'coms'
You might redpill soccer moms.
Then you wouldn't have to ask me,
Why I worship a vulgar yam.

With, of course, apologies to Robert Nesta Marley:

Thankfully, the K-Pop stans are once again rising up to act as the internet's immune system.


  1. Der Dopeyfuehrer started this crap by claiming collecting STDs while screwing around in nightclubs was 'his Vietnam'.

    It's all utterly sickening.

    On the positive side, today is the 2nd adoptaversary of my dear kitty, who manages to make life tolerable when all else fails. Her only flaw, if you call it that, is not liking it when our second cat behaves like a little shit. Other than that, she is perfect, and proof companion animals give so much more than they receive.

    A certain twat in the White House could learn a lot from her.

  2. On the 30th, we're having a Zoom party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our onsite mouser, Ginger. Right now, she's on furlough at a manager's house. I miss going on the scout every night with my precious kitty.
