Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Travel Travail

The biggest regional news story is a bigass nor'easter which slammed the Northeastern U.S. today, the busiest of travel days in the U.S. I made no Thanksgiving travel plans- when I cobbled together November's work schedule, my mom didn't know when she'd be back from Italy. Instead, I planned on working Thanksgiving. I spoke at length with mom, she'll be traveling to baby brother Gomez' house, which is a two-and-a-half hour drive from her place. She decided to wait until Thanksgiving day, after the storm (and hopefully the traffic) has subsided.

My drive to work wasn't too bad- the radio reports of dire accumulations of snow haven't materialized in my neck of the woods, though the roads were kinda slushy and a snow/sleet/rain mix was falling in quantities sufficient enough to be annoying. It's yucky out, to be sure- the cats didn't even want to run out when I opened the door of their assigned workplace to check up on them- but it's not dangerous.

Good luck to everyone who is traveling to visit loved ones for the holiday. Be safe!


  1. Looks like it's all calm around here today, after a bunch of mostly melting snow when by yesterday.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving, old chum!

    Enjoy a lovely day with family, two legged and four legged.

  3. Yesterday I walked into downtown Burlingame. It was a zoo, with all the yupps in their Mercs stacked up in each other's way. My usually quiet neighborhood looked like downtown Cairo. But it was a lovely walk - 75℉, warm sun on my shoulders in my sleeveless tee. Driving up to Marin later today for the fest and feast, and it's looking to be another sunny, beautiful day. We are expecting to get some 'weather' on the weekend, but I find the concept of living through the kind of weather you guys do as almost unimaginable...

  4. We are expecting to get some 'weather' on the weekend, but I find the concept of living through the kind of weather you guys do as almost unimaginable...

    I think I'd go nuts without it. Too much of a good thing, and I'd be on edge, waiting for the inevitable hell breaking loose.
