Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I Got Your Civil Society Right Here

Via Roy, I have been skirting the margins of the right-wing fever swamp. The odious Mark Levin (check out his oeuvre here, if you must) had this to say about developments in Ferguson, MO:

What we are witnessing now is the left's war on the civil society. It's time to speak out in defense of law enforcement and others trying to protect the community and uphold the rule law.

Call me crazy, but my idea of a civil society has no room for corpses of teenagers lying in the street for four hours. Once again, I have the sinking feeling that I'm living in a "Banana Republic with Nukes".

I don't have a television, so I haven't been watching any cable "news" coverage of the post-verdict situation in Ferguson, MO. Last night, I met up with friends for a beer and caught some of the post "Monday Night Football" coverage, and there was talk of bottles thrown and tear gas canisters launched. A quick perusal of the web shows that a dozen businesses were torched and there were scores of injuries- it looks like the situation might get really bad, but I'd argue that the attack on "civil" society took place long ago.


  1. Yes. I don't care WHO you are, even if you're Mark fucking Levin, you can NOT possibly want armored up, roided out combat ready quick-on-the-trigger police in your community. There's just no reason for that, and if you need them society's already broken down, and if you have them and don't need them, your society is not in any way 'civil' and your community is an occupied territory...

  2. The vast majority of police in the U.K. don't carry guns and don't feel the need to. Any police brutality therefore involves batons and tasers which though bad, thankfully doesn't usually result in death. There have been deaths involving police and guns, most notoriously one that led to the London riots, but they are a very rare occurrence. When we look at America, we see a country obsessed with their right to carry guns. Yes I know there are a lot of you that do not support the gun lobby loonies, I'm just telling you how you come across to us. Sadly you have a police force that reflects your society, I'm guessing your police assume everyone is carrying a gun and act accordingly, urged on by the right wing fear mongering.

  3. As Jesse Jackson said, the violence didn't start with the looting, it started with the shooting...

  4. Yes. I don't care WHO you are, even if you're Mark fucking Levin, you can NOT possibly want armored up, roided out combat ready quick-on-the-trigger police in your community.

    Oh, he doesn't want them in his own community, to be sure, but he's okay with them in your community. That's a common conservative trope.

    When we look at America, we see a country obsessed with their right to carry guns. Yes I know there are a lot of you that do not support the gun lobby loonies, I'm just telling you how you come across to us.

    Yeah, it's a national obsession. It's largely borne out of a racial obsession- the fear that an exploited minority will rise up and kill its masters. Slavery and genocide of natives were the birth defects which still affect the health of these United States.

    As Jesse Jackson said, the violence didn't start with the looting, it started with the shooting...

    Wilson's defenders think it started with the menace of Michael Brown being big and black.

    Over Easy: Transcripts show #DarrenWilson lied to the grand jury

    He'll probably gig a gig as a Fox on-air personality.
