Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Have Swimsuit, Will Travel

I make it a point never to travel without packing a swimsuit. As I have noted before, I could travel to the interior of Antarctica in the middle of the austral winter, and I'd still pack a swimsuit. Swimsuits don't take up too much space, and one never knows when one will be confronted with a body of water in which one can swim.

The last time I was in Switzerland, Sweetums and I jumped off the Wasserwerkstrasserücke into the lovely Limmat on a warm May day. The water in the river was still very cold, cold enough to "burn". I don't anticipate any impromptu dives off a bridge in December, but there is always the opportunity to check out some hot springs.

I don't often offer unsolicited advice, but seriously, folks, if you're going to travel, you must pack a swimsuit. Chances are, you'll use it.


  1. You don't want a swimsuit when you take a wintertime dip in the Antarctic ocean. I have been there and done that. You don't want that swimsuit to flash freeze to delicate parts

  2. I agree with this advice.

    I haven't used mine in West Virginia in the past month or so, but heck...you never know!

  3. I thought it was "don't go anywhere without your towel". Of course, if you are taking your swimsuit you'll probably want your towel too. Don't panic!

  4. On second thought, I take that back. I don't think I want to know. Ewwwww. People do that? Ewwwwww.

  5. The water reservoir north of Oslo, and the surrounding catchment zone, is fenced off to stop people swimming in it. "Hmmm," I thought. "There are houses over there. There are teenagers. What would teenagers do?" So it didn't take long to find the hole in the fence, and go swimming.

  6. Just bought one to take to Florida!
