Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fourth Blogiversary

Wow, I started this blog four years ago, putting up a perfunctory introductory post on a quiet day on the job. I have traditionally written blogiversary posts, thanking my readers and commentariat.

This blogiversary post was composed back in November, before I flew out to Europe to visit two of my brothers. Compared to most blogiversary posts, it's pretty perfunctory. Suffice it to say, I wish to thank everybody for all of their friendship and support over the years.


  1. Buon compleanno to your blog and to your brother, and--bon voyage, as well.

  2. Congratulations Bad, keep blogging!

  3. Beats the hell out of my blogiversassy posts.


  4. This made me curious. I wonder how long I've been shouting into the void? Turns out my first blog post was in July of 2004 - so I guess I've got a 10 year dealio coming up in a few months. Thanks for stimulating my curiosity! I'll make a note on my calendar.

    And congratulations!

  5. Way to go B4!

    Your consistent quality posts and diverse interests always make for good reading, and I'm dammit pleased to know ya!
