Thursday, April 4, 2013

Follow-Up to Comments Elsewhere

I checked in on a post that Monsieur Bouffant put up a couple of days in order to explain to anne a comment that I'd made about the "portal people" who overran my workplace a couple of weeks ago (I confronted a couple of them at 2:30 in the morning yesterday... two fucking thirty in the morning). Anyway, anne made a comment about a 1971 German television appearance by the band Can, which got me poking around teh t00bz, where I found a BBC 4 documentary on "Krautrock":

The documentary is reminiscent of the Kraftwerk documentary I posted last year, which had been brought to my attention by Substance McGravitas.

Here's a video of Can playing Vernal Equinox on "The Old Grey Whistle Test" in 1975:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i've had this tab,not wine ,open ,not yet able to read for a few hours now i'm sure , said cool g, i'll be back to look, no need for a reminder , 'phant's never for '

  3. back , can't find the tvo off stop .. the brontes , need to nap ..but i'll be back to look,of listen .. , /do you do any other sports big ..other than guarding , like gardening on roof tops ?/ and i really do know donne and the russians here .. if you are looking around , don't know the ones adding bling on line though

  4. g' morning , and also of men and their control'ing needs,of naturing , i can't seem to print out one copy for myself of all of my comments on line so that i may go off line , said physically disable born g'

  5. these tools that you gave me brothers .. are not gifts

  6. you're not sleeping are you.. , must be nice , / sh' wanders over to pen k 's to jump on his bed ,. .. i want to ride my bicy all summer long .. and bey.

  7. I have been working from midnight to eight AM lately, so my sleep schedule is messed up.

    i want to ride my bicy all summer long .. and bey.

    That would be a nice way to spend the summer. When I worked a traditional job, I often rode my bicycle to work.

  8. still haven't had a chance to get back to this as i would like to bald, lovely bastard, i was serious about all i've finely tuned said

  9. also serious about these few fleeting comments that i left on ashley a boy's black board sedition.c "-- was sitting with bjor k this morning on the back stoop with an ashley boy in o range pants after he walked his lily and .. . ," and with a fellow i call vincent ,of gogh , as well ..of that sitting ,said the pussy charmer
