Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Morning Cartoons from a Cooler Alternate Universe

This post was inspired by a post by M. Bouffant which was clear cut bait for Smut Clyde (or his alter ego Sm*t Cl*de) and Zombie Rotten McDonald.

I can't see a post referencing Harvester of Eyes without making a reference to Chun the Unvoidable. While poking around on the intert00bz looking for a better reference to "Chun", I found a trailer for an alternative-universe Saturday morning cartoon which rivals The Wacky Adventures of Maal Dweb and Saturday Morning Watchmen in awesomeness. I present to you the opening credits for Saturday morning cartoon version of Jack Vance's The Dying Earth:

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I'm a huge fan of Jack Vance as long-time readers of my blog will know. While the video doesn't always conform my visualizations of the action in the stories (I've always pictured Chun the Unavoidable as a hulking, hunched, rather beetle-like brute), I love it nonetheless... what kind of fanboy's heart wouldn't beat just a little faster to see "The Excellent Prismatic Spray" depicted in a video? As a bonus, I found a multi-part interview with Jack Vance on teh Y00T00B.


  1. Man. Still kicking, & he's got three yrs. on also-kicking Fred Pohl.

  2. Yeah, he's a marvel. It's a month old, but there's an opening for a blurb writer. I think I'll have to reply.

  3. In other news, xkcd was recently ripping off your earlier Riddled-related speculations about a mole of moles.

  4. I'd go for the sauce and not the critters, S.C.

    (IF that is your real name!!!!!)

  5. I think its Chun the Unavoidable (first link). Unless I'm missing a hilarious joke which very well may be. Can't wait to see the vid (at home).

  6. Thanks for catching that, KG. Weird, I had his name right further on in the post.
