Friday, September 28, 2012

Mitt Blown to Smithereens by his Secret Weapon

A few months ago, Mitt Romney supporters claimed that Ann Romney would be Mitt's secret weapon. I had fun with the concept in a blog post written in the early days, when the wheels were just starting to come off the Ann Romney express. The recent conventional wisdom is that Ann has failed to deliver the goods, but her most recent gaffe just might spell curtains for Mitt's campaign. Here's Mitt's secret weapon, detonating on Mitt's ass as if it were Bikini Atoll:

While that tiny clip is out of context, the full video doesn't provide any exculpatory evidence. Mitt has been on the ropes ever since his lack-luster Republican National Convention appearance... I can't imagine that he could have expected that the knockout punch would have come from his wife.


  1. He really, really doesn't want to win

  2. I think it would be hilarious to start a rumor that his real goal is to destroy the Republican Party.

  3. Words fail me. Not like they fail the Rmoneys, but ...

  4. I don't get it. Hasn't he already achieved freedom from emotion?

  5. Outtake from the original Stepford Wives movie?

  6. But Mitt's preparing for the debates by rehearsing some "zingers!"

  7. Words fail me. Not like they fail the Rmoneys, but...

    And you being a wordsmith, this is really something.

    Shirley you really meant this link.

    That bald guy should really start a blog.

    It was all a lieberal conspiracy.

    And Rmoney's in deep cover.

    I don't get it. Hasn't he already achieved freedom from emotion?

    Just positive emotion- I bet he gets some satisfaction out of sticking it to hapless proles.

    Outtake from the original Stepford Wives movie?

    Stepford's Revenge!

    But Mitt's preparing for the debates by rehearsing some "zingers!"

    That could horribly backfire- Obama is a lot cooler than he is, and any exchange of quips would be a lot more harmful to Mitt than to Barry.
