Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Seems to Happen This Time Every Year

Just like the swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano, some things occur every year at about the same time. For me, I usually get a really nasty cold every February that makes me feel like crap for a week or two. Not being the sort of person who takes antibiotics at the drop of a nose (uh, people, colds are viral infections, so antibiotics don't do squat to help), I resign myself to feeling like crap for a week or two and cope with drinking plenty of hot toddies and, uncharacteristically, bundling up in a half-dozen layers of clothing. If my nose gets really congested, I blast my sinuses with a neti pot (I imagine somebody out there is aroused by that video). The neti pot, while pretty off-putting, does the job- it really flushes the garbage out of your head.

Thankfully, I live in the Northern U.S., so I don't have to worry about brain-eating amoebae infesting my neti pot. That's one less thing we have to worry about. If you're concerned about the presence of brain eating amoebae in your water supply, this map will show you where the brain bashers live- their range is indicated by the red color.


  1. Uggh... me too. I've got this stupid cold as well.
    I'm the same, I rarely take anything.
    So, I'm feeling your pain.

    I've never done the neti pot but I should. Everything hits my sinuses hard.
    I did get a little turned on by the neti pot video. I'm not gonna lie. :)


  2. Throw another log on the reasons why i'm glad i left texas fire. it keeps me warm and dry.

    I had a runny nose from allergies for a couple of days. It got warm so the air was kind of gunky.

  3. Can't they import the bugs? New York's got EVERYTHING.

  4. I have a squeeze-bottle thingy instead of a neti pot. It's nice because you can use it in the shower.

    I used to get a cold and then a sinus infection (at least those can be treated with antibiotics) every fall and every spring without fail. I'm not sure why I don't now, but I think my immune system went through some sort of revolution in my mid-twenties--I rarely get sick at all anymore.

    Hang in there. At least it's an excuse to drink a lot of hot toddies!

  5. How are you feeling today? Hopefully better. :(
    It's very romantic that we're both sick at the same time though.

  6. Feel better. I'm a year-round sufferer of severe allergies...so I know what yer going through.

  7. I did get a little turned on by the neti pot video. I'm not gonna lie. :)


    Throw another log on the reasons why i'm glad i left texas fire. it keeps me warm and dry.

    Getting out of the amoeba belt is a good move.

    I been lucky. Nox on wude.

    Stay healthy, Ponyboy!

    Can't they import the bugs? New York's got EVERYTHING.

    We draw the line on multiculturalism when it involves microbes!

    I have a squeeze-bottle thingy instead of a neti pot. It's nice because you can use it in the shower.

    It's kinda hard to visualize how you use the bottle, could you post a how-to video?


    It's very romantic that we're both sick at the same time though.

    Who said romance is dead? It's just out sick!

    Feel better. I'm a year-round sufferer of severe allergies...so I know what yer going through.

    Ever consider nasal irrigation?

  8. I simply avoid all meatspace contact. Works like a charm.

  9. I simply avoid all meatspace contact. Works like a charm.

    Makes sense...

    Language is a virus, Bouffant.

    You can wash it right out of your nose with a neti pot!

  10. I swear by hot peppers and chicken soup. :)

    Nice maps... I was suckered in and was amazed at how precise the delineation was.
