Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mitt's Hopes Washing Away in Wave of Santorum

It seems I'm not the only one posting on the unstoppable wave of Santorum that has washed over the heartland...

While Santorum picked up no delegates in yesterday's race, his trifecta means that any momentum Romney may have had is kaput. Romney's numbers are, to put it mildly, embarassing.

The G.O.P. likes lube and shit
Better than a dude named "Mitt".

The real story, however, is the dramatic drop in the number of primary voters. Maybe it's the bruising primary campaign, maybe it's the craptastic roster of candidates. At any rate, the schadenfreude I experience while watching this ugly contest between ugly candidates is a most delicious feeling.


  1. If, liberals would surprise themselves by turning out in droves to support as many Democratic leaders as their ballots will allow; and if, perhaps, the Republicans would stay home dejected and pissy on November 4th, then we liberals would see some real liberal stuff getting done in the next four years.

    AND if liberals would surprisingly vote in the NEXT midterm election, and the Presidential election after that, then maybe we could get some real liberal momentum, such that people wouldn't mind calling themselves "liberal" anymore.

    A girl can dream.

  2. Yeah, the Blue Dogs pretty much went extinct. Honestly, I think that the women will save the country this time (witness the backlash against Komen, and the outpouring of support for mandated contraceptives coverage).

  3. Oh my gawd. I fell for that lube and shit link AGAIN!


  4. P.S. I went and bought a Net pot last night. I'm not sure how I've survived all these years without one! When you blow that big wad of mucus out after washing the nasal passage, there's not a lot in life that feels better than that!
    Except well.. you know. ;)

  5. the surge might be unstoppable ~

    how do they repeat the "surge" talk on tv and radio with a straight face and voice, I couldn't do it...

  6. Sometimes the battle between the wingnuts gets depressing for me to they try to out-hateful-and-crazy each other..knowing there's so much ugly sentiment about there. But hearing that the turnout is depressed makes me gleeful.

  7. Fucking liberals. All their fault.

    Yeah, those damn liberals even ruined socialism!


    Well, I think the onus is on us (hey, now!) to tell our friends to get their ass to the polls.

    Oh my gawd. I fell for that lube and shit link AGAIN!

    Laura, never click on a link with the word "shit" in it if you have a queasy stomach!

    P.S. I went and bought a Net pot last night. I'm not sure how I've survived all these years without one!

    Yeah, it'll change your life! Amazing how much snot and other gack can fit inside your head! Another convert.

    how do they repeat the "surge" talk on tv and radio with a straight face and voice, I couldn't do it...

    They've had a lot of practice saying ridiculous things with a straight face, such as "both sides do it" and "grassroots Tea Party supporters".

    Sometimes the battle between the wingnuts gets depressing for me to they try to out-hateful-and-crazy each other..knowing there's so much ugly sentiment about there.

    I have to confess that I am enjoying the circular firing squad.

  8. BTW, Laura, blowing snot out of your nose is objectively awesome. There's no shame in saying it. I rate for neti pots.
