Thursday, February 16, 2012

No Girls Allowed!

Holy crap, the Republican Party really has become the He-Man Woman Haters' Club in the wake of the President Obama's plan to force insurance companies to pay for contraceptive coverage for all women, regardless of employer. Can they show any more contempt for women than to assemble an all-male panel of witnesses? Shit, they're not even trying to hide their misogyny behind a smug, "concern-troll" facade. Ladies, these are the mullahs of America (Amullahca?), sitting in judgment of your ovaries.

This is about imposing Bronze Age morality on American women. They may be whining that the issue is religious freedom, but they'd be the first to scream "Sharia law!!!" if their Muslim counterparts were trying to force employees to conform to their religious practices. If you try to kid yourself that it's really about religious freedom, you're just not listening.

I can't see this anti-contraception crusade turning out well for either the GOP or their subsidiary, the Conference of American Bishops. Could any woman really support either organization? Well, besides the well-paid flacks and the barking insane ideologues, that is...


  1. We have made some progress. Holding the aspirin between the knees used also to be advice about how to prevent rape.

    And then, of course, is the charming "You can't thread a moving needle."

    Misogyny is as ugly in public as it can get away with being. None of these smug bastards would be saying these things if it threatened their position and status in their circles.

    The Republican schtick is to say anything that they think will offend the liberals in their head. At this rate, they should keep it up because they're offending half the population now.

  2. We have made some progress. Holding the aspirin between the knees used also to be advice about how to prevent rape.

    And then, of course, is the charming "You can't thread a moving needle."

    Misogyny is as ugly in public as it can get away with being. None of these smug bastards would be saying these things if it threatened their position and status in their circles.

    The Republican schtick is to say anything that they think will offend the liberals in their head. At this rate, they should keep it up because they're offending half the population now.

  3. I had no idea I could double post.

  4. Smug bastards is exactly correct, Wiley

  5. We live in a nation of children. It makes me so sad. No, ANGRY.

  6. I don't think that women need to run everything but most certainly ... they can run their own bodies.
    The fact that in this day in age, such a thing, would send people into such a god damn tizzy is beyond me!
    (the whole paying for birth control thing-not the man panel thing-that is tizzy worthy).

    And the Catholic Church needs to give it up already. Really.. sit DOWN and shut UP! Haven't you embarrassed yourselves enough?

    I know that when I embarrass MYSELF, I usually lay low for awhile. *Hint .. they need to lay low longer than this*


  7. Apparently, there's no problem with Viagra being covered. I can't imagine what any Diocese would need with that...

    I'm with Truc: they can rant against the government when they stop taking the government's money. And give up their tax-exempt status. And explain why women can't be ordained. Etc, etc.

  8. good point with the little blue pills,'s been obvious in this male dominated hissy fit that women are still considered sub-human by a large percentage of the population...and that ANY woman buys into or promotes the misogyny makes me feel very, very stabby...and the cowardice of cloaking it under religion ranks right up there with the pedophile priests...
