Thursday, December 22, 2011


Squidmas arrived this week- by that, I mean, my badass Secret Science Club T-shirt arrived in the mail, along with my official Secret Science Club membership card (I am now a card-carrying member), CD of sciencelcious tunes, and a postcard commemorating the Brooklyn Space Program:

Gotta love that badass logo with its Cthulhu-meets-the-Illuminati vibe:

Yeah, it really looks like the Leviathan from Illuminatus! I CAN HAZ LIMITLIS POWAH NAO? This may be, nay this is, the best Squidmas ever.


  1. Now, you can RULE THE WORLD!!

    Awesome. :)


  2. Oh now I remember you boasting about your one eyed squid. You gotta badge for it? Well, takes all sorts. Have a good time, old chap

  3. Just how "secret" is this club?

    Guess I gotta join to find out, huh?

    That is a way cool logo, I want one for Shroeder (this laptop)

  4. BBBB is really a member of the VFD. Check his left ankle. Which side of the schism is still TBD.

    WV: drainz

    Zombie plumbers.

  5. I suggest slicing that t-shirt, deep-frying it and serving it with a little lemon.

  6. ! I CAN HAZ LIMITLIS POWAH NAO?'T ALREADY? The only reason I hang out at this dump is because I was hoping some of your powah would transfer to internet majk or sumfin.


  7. The first message:

    D-R-I-N-K Y-O-U-R O-V-A-L-T-I-N-E!

  8. Now, you can RULE THE WORLD!!

    I think I can hire a sexy femme fatale to make evil fudge for my minions. I'll even start up an evil youth basketball league for the kids.

    Oh now I remember you boasting about your one eyed squid.

    That would explain the ink stains on that little blue dress.

    Just how "secret" is this club?

    It's so secret, virtually nobody's aware it exists

    Squidward's been working out!

    It was all fun and games until he lost an eye- then it became a sport!
    That is a way cool logo, I want one for Shroeder (this laptop)

    I'll ask the Secret Science Goddesses if they'd consider putting out decals.

    BBBB is really a member of the VFD.

    Better that than the VPR.

    I suggest slicing that t-shirt, deep-frying it and serving it with a little lemon.

    I get enough fiber in my diet as it is.

    The only reason I hang out at this dump is because I was hoping some of your powah would transfer to internet majk or sumfin.

    Come into my van, dearie, I have some RAW POWER to give you.

    D-R-I-N-K Y-O-U-R O-V-A-L-T-I-N-E!

    It has electrolytes!

  9. Oh. Ok. I'll stay for the sexy fudge and evil basketball.

  10. Mmmmm.... sexy evil fudge... UHHHHHHHHHHHH...

  11. I have some transfer stuff that works great with my printer. I think that science club logo would look great on the kind of little bitty t-shirts that that dwarf that vacuumslayer is always yammering on about. I mean--- I don't judge--- but the dwarf fetish is a little bit---


    Was I doing it again?

    I want to talk to wiley witch.


    You were saying something about vacuumslayers BABBIE?

    No. I wasn't. Sheesh, you're weird today.
