Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Send Latkes, Gelt and Kugel!

I'm going to recycle a comment I made on last year's Hanukkah post, a little Hanukkah song I'd written. Before I start, though, I have to confess that I can't stand Adam Sandler... I just can't bear his weird combination of Jerry- Lewis-with-a-mean-streak humor and the heaping doses of schmaltz he uses in a cack-handed attempt to leaven it. I have had an aversion to the man ever since catching a bit of Water Boy while channel surfing back in the days when I had a TeeVee machine. That being said, his Hanukkah Song was amusing the first two times I heard it... yuck! I see a need for more popular Hanukkah hanukkarols, even if a goy-boy has to do the writing (after all, one of the most beloved Christmas songs of all time was written by a Jewish-American troubador. So, here goes nothing, here's my bastardy Hanukkah song (the tune should be familiar):

I went home for the Shabbos,
The way I always do.
How am I to show, that I'm an observant Jew?
I was gambling with a dreidel,
I took a little risk.
Send latkes, gelt, and kugel.
Invite me to the bris.

I'm the innocent bystander,
And somehow I got stuck.
Between a rock and a hard place,
Oy vey, I'm a schmuck.

They took me for a gonif.
A shyster, to be sure.
Send latkes, gelt and kugel
To show my heart is pure.

Send latkes, gelt and kugel!
Send latkes, gelt and kugel!

It's a shonda for the goyim,
The way it all went down
Send latkes, gelt and kugel
Before I leave this town.

I'm actually toying with the idea of making latkes, although it's a time-consuming process. Being a goy, though, I'm planning on serving them alongside a bigos. I already hit the Ukrainian butcher shop to buy some fantastic smoked kielbasa and a big chunk of slab bacon. Yeah, it's not kosher by any stretch of the imagination, but it'll have enough oil to make all that cabbage palatable.


  1. " I have to confess that I can't stand Adam Sandler.."

    Here, let me hug you.
    I cannot stand him either!

    LOVE the new Hanukkah song! Much better than Sandlers. :)
    Fry up some bacon! We'll dance to "Hava Nagila" except we'll sing "Hava Tequila! (isn't that how gentiles sing it??)


  2. I just can't bear his weird combination of Jerry- Lewis-with-a-mean-streak humor and the heaping doses of schmaltz he uses in a cack-handed attempt to leaven it.

    But what about the range of his acting?

    P.S. Laura, Adam Sandler is the Thomas Kinkade of acting.

  3. I am NOT going to be the first one to link to Tenacious D's "Kielbasa" song.

  4. " Adam Sandler is the Thomas Kinkade of acting.

    That makes me really happy. :)


  5. "Tenacious D's "Kielbasa" song."

    Come on baby... you know you want to. :)

  6. I am a huge potato fan. Seems like I should be Irish...but I ain't. Anyway...I had click your latke link. Um, SIGN ME UP.

    I feel like Shabbos would be funnier if it were "Shabba Doo."

    Re: Adam Sandler, I find he gets less and funny the older I get, though I maintain that "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore" have their moments. I mean...cranky golfer and Bob Barker beat the crap out of each other and get BLEEPED during major golf tournament?" It's not entirely UNfunny.

  7. Related, he related.

    Oh, it's no use. They think life is like an Adam Sandler movie, where everyone winds up preferring the moron-with-a-heart-of-gold to the stuffed shirt.

  8. I have to admit that, like VS, I like "Happy Gilmore." The role fits him and the supporting cast is really funny.

    Love the adaptation of Zevon.

  9. I like.

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