Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An Uncharacteristic Bleg

Hidely hodely, dear readers! I don't typically bleg, but I'll make an exception for the Secret Science Club. Check out the Kickstarter page, and think about throwing a couple of bucks their way to ensure that the free lectures will continue (the S.S.C. keeps me off the streets, and where I belong- at the bar!). There are only five days left for the fundraiser. Back when I worked in a big office with 100 or so of my closest friends, I'd ask people to back me in an MS Bike-a-thon. I'd ask everybody for two dollars (the proper amount for a kid on a bike to request), reasoning that I'd rather have a hundred people give me two bucks each than to have two people give me a hundred.

Oh, and check out the awesome picture of the Hamletbot3000 by talented illustrator and all-around good guy Aaron Lampell. It's a hilarious concept, brilliantly executed. It goes without saying that anybody in the New York metro area should check out the lectures- you get to experience what college would be like if the lecture halls had fully stocked bars. What's not to like about that?


  1. It will be done as soon as I get home from the store.

    Anything to keep BBBB off the streets!

  2. Grocery store, liquor store, Potomac River for some pics.

    Now I'm in the Kickstarter. So I gave 'em my email, and now they're sending me to Amazon to finish checking out? I'm not sure I wanted to set up an Amazon account...

  3. I adjusted for inflation to five dollars, less than the price of a tall, quad, breve latte at the corner. Well, I've switched to black tea lately, but you get my drift.

  4. I love the picture of the Hamletbot3000. It's really awesome.

    Can you believe (you probably can but just pretend that you can't) that it took me 20 minutes to figure out what a "Bleg" was???


  5. I'm not sure I wanted to set up an Amazon account...

    No worries, Amazon has been awful lately. I had a pre-existing Amazon account, but I'm one of those paranoid types who doesn't like using his credit card, so I use pre-paid gift cards for things like this.

    I adjusted for inflation to five dollars, less than the price of a tall, quad, breve latte at the corner

    Thanks, B.P. It's good to see you commenting here. Haven't seen you at the mothership though, is everything okay?

    I love the picture of the Hamletbot3000. It's really awesome.

    The "toaster as skull" knocks it out of the park.

    Can you believe (you probably can but just pretend that you can't) that it took me 20 minutes to figure out what a "Bleg" was???

    Hey, it's not the kind of thing you see every day-
