Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He's America's Boehner Now

I heard Ohio was nice, I've even seen photographic evidence, but I'm just not digging the fact that Ohio is waving its Boehner in my face. It's even worse than a goddamn Bret Favre instant message. At last the U.S., with a GOP house, can look forward to such subtly named bills as (I shit you not) Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. How soon before the Orgasms for Everybody Except for the Dirty Queers Act is proposed to appeal to the knuckle draggers?

Even worse is troglodyte Darrell Issa's notice to the foxes that the henhouse is going to be blown open to allow for easy access. No doubt this handing of oversight to the overseen will be named the Removing Burdensome Overregulation of the Masters of the Universe so Supply-Side Jesus Won't Be Sad and You'll Finally Be Able to Get a Job, Albeit a Crappy One, Act.

Hell, it's going to be a long, stupid couple of years.

UPDATE: Fuckin' Boehner


  1. Issa is a car thief who got rich through the Viper car alarm.

    Says it all, doesn't it?

  2. Oh yeah, about Ohioans deciding to make their unemployment problem even worse by voting for Republicans: there's a lot of dumb fundies here, and that's all they'll ever be.

    But Obama did us no favors by being a lameass DLC corporatist fuckwad, thus killing the turnout on our side. I voted for the guy (primary and general), I think I even donated to him maybe (I vaguely recall $50). Now I am thoroughly disgusted. It's bad enough that he's stomped on every principle I hold dear, he's been an incompetent shithead to boot.

    I could go on...

  3. I could go on...

    Have you considered blogging?

    The thing that gets me about the workaday schmo who votes Republican is that the GOP is so goddamn transparently full of crap, and they fall for the bullshit every time. Hell, I guess they wouldn't be fundies if they weren't gullible.

    About Obama- yeah, he's been a major disappointment. I voted for a young firebrand, and I got a milquetoast.

  4. If these two yrs. don't reveal them for what they are to the loons who vote for them, it really will be over for this great nation, & I mean it this time!

  5. I think they're shooting for the 1860's, Subby.

  6. *****nodding vigorously******
    agreeing repeatedly
