Thursday, January 6, 2011

He Reads This Crap So You Don't Have To

L.A.'s most stalwart curmudgeon has a great capacity for wading into the Daily Caller (I almost wrote, "the bowels of the Daily Caller, but it's all bowels), and finding choice crap to ridicule. He posted a takedown of a screed by America’s Pre-Eminent Evangelical Protestant Female Intellectual (highlighted for the sake of hilarity) on same-sex marriage and the slippery slope that will lead to... oh, hell, let's let the scold's words speak for themselves:

Homosexual practice thus requires individuals to contradict their own biology. It disconnects a person’s sexuality from his or her biological identity as male or female — which exerts a self-alienating and fragmenting effect on the human personality.

And the logic of alienation will not stop there. Already the acceptance of same-sex relationships is metastasizing into a postmodern notion of sexuality as fluid and changing over time.

Yes, biological identity is static and never changes over time. Why the hell do these fundies ever invoke biology in a piss-poor effort to bolster their bigoted claims? Perhaps the best rejoinder to this argument was articulated by obscure band The Anemic Boyfriends:

I just wanted an excuse to post this song, which I hadn't heard in many years (I am actually shocked that I found it). Thanks, M.B., for giving me an "in".


  1. and others will be both sexes at the same time.

    This is particularly helpful on weekends when I can't find a date.

    (okay, that would be all weekends)

  2. I'd totally date you if you were a ladyfish.

  3. The less inspirational explanation is that "TheDC" is in the Just Another Blog™ official Internest reader, & while I often regret it being there, I just can't turn away from the train-wreck.

  4. Baaaa!

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  5. No excuse needed to post music links. Just put a semi-provocative pic of yourself, then link away. That's what I do anyway.

  6. I admire M. Bouffant above all!!!

    Commenting to answer your comment on my blog, and not so far reading all your post (will do in a bit) - regarding paletas. I've been researching paletas here in LA for a while, trying to sample enough variety to really write about. Will do so soon. There's a wonderful paleta joint downtown that, if you like them, you should really come to LA and visit.

  7. Thanks, M.B., for giving me an "in".


  8. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand...but I was giving pressies to everyone at S,N today and the thread in which I gave you yours (a SUPER-THOUGHTFUL pressie, BTW) is already passe. OH NOES!
