Monday, December 27, 2010

Succor for the Sucker

The snow removal technician has finally arrived to clean out the lot, so I can finally get my ass home after an all-night slog on the job. Yee-haw!

Next year, the organization should award their contract to this guy.

Oh, and incidentally, happy birthday to my great and good friend J-Co, who is always up on the "Community Calendar" even though he has relocated to the Boston area.


  1. Actually, the Spanish version of the "Plow King song is better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just stopping in to say that these Amygdaloids folks are cropping up on my "new music" playlist, and I likes 'em. Thanks for the tippo. Braintini?

    wv is queen. No thanks, blooger, I am listening to the Amygdaloids right now. Maybe later.

  4. The Amygdaloids are groovy- I've sat in on a couple of Dr LaDoux's lectures, plus the drummer (can't recall her name right now) is pretty damn hot. Nice bunch of peoples.

  5. The Amygdaloids are groovy-

    more power poppy, in my book.

    perhaps you should bring them to the attention of Steve Simels?

    wv is mathsing, which is perhaps a sign.

  6. I, er, um, uh, never heard of this Steve Simels guy... I popped over (HA!) and I think I will bookmark his blog.

  7. I think I will bookmark his blog.

    It is handy, because of the free downloads.

    Also, excellent stories about rock and roll.
