Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Felt Old and Decrepit Today

The last couple of days have been a slog- I arrived at work around 7PM on Sunday to avoid driving through the blizzard at its peak, and ended up leaving at almost 4PM the following day. Upon arriving at home, I found that the snowplows had left huge piles of snow at the sides of the local streets, so I had to carve out a parking spot. My next door neighbors (who are wonderful) let me park in their driveway while I dug out a parking spot. I usually help them shovel snow because they are both getting on in years- they got help from a former co-worker yesterday. Anyway, I spent a couple of hours digging out a spot. A couple of hours of grunt work at the tail end of a thirty-hour endurance tour left me completely wiped out- I ate a quick dinner, brushed my teeth, and passed out for the next fourteen hours.

I woke up around noon, still aching from shoveling, and made plans to meet an old friend who was in town visiting his parents. I met my friend and his father, a retired professor of the Slavic languages department of a major northeastern university. My friend's father had just finished a physical therapy appointment- he is recovering from a minor stroke. The good professor's charmingly accented baritone was hushed, his burly frame was diminished... thankfully, his sharp wit hadn't been dulled by his stroke (as an aside, I always find that the ability to be funny in a second language to be a clear-cut mark of intelligence). I snapped out of my "cripes, I'm hurtin' for certain" mood, and remembered how fortunate I am.


  1. Wishing a snow blower will arrive in your area some time soon. What is this shoveling thing?
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Another lovely post, by the way.

  2. Hang in there, BBBB. Spring will show up, eventually.

    P.S. What Von said.

  3. Wishing a snow blower will arrive in your area some time soon. What is this shoveling thing?

    Snow blowers are for the weak- I prefer not to be supported by mechanical resources.

  4. Even mere bilingual puns can indicate higher brain activity.

    And really, all one needs is one's mind & a Rascal. (W/ plow attachment, for less hospitable climes.)

  5. Stay warm & dry, BBBB.

    I speak only for myself, of coruse, but M. Bouffant is probably subjected to the same cold and sloppy rain I'm contending with here in LA.

    My husband and son enjoyed a bowl of hot goat soup in Korea-town yesterday to ward off the chills! Me in Santa Monica not so lucky.
