Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Dark Meatloaf Night of the Soul

Longtime readers will know that, of all of the politicians in these here United States, I find Chris Christie among the most contemptible. He's a despicable bully who used the power of the state to punish perceived enemies, and left his underlings, also despicable, to suffer the legal consequences. For a brief period of time, in 2015, during a brief presidential campaign, he tried to sound like the now-extinct moderate Northeastern Republican, but he quickly threw his lot in with Trump when he saw the direction his dyfunctional party was heading. After dropping his presidential campaign, Christie had a brief flirtation with being a Never Trumper until he lost his guts, became a typical Republican once again, and threw in his lot with Trump. After returning to the fold and getting behind Trump, Christie was publicly humiliated during a White House luncheon with his terrible boss:

Meatloaf Night is supposed to be a joyous occasion, not a source of shame and angst. Christie, the quintessential 'Phony Soprano' style Jersey bully, ran up to an even bigger Tri-State Asshole and caved in the most shameful fashion. Earlier this year, in May after the novel coronavirus had already ravaged New York and New Jersey, Christie toed the Trump line about the COVID-19 outbreak in a most repulsive manner, stating that businesses should be reopened because there would be deaths anyway

And now here we are, three years after the Meatloaf Incident, when a subservient Christie, a bundle of comorbidities, has tested positive for COVID-19 after helping Trump with a maskless debate prep. Christie completely rolled over for Trump back in 2016, and he might keel over for Trump in 2020. When he said 'there would be deaths', did he envision that he might be one of the dead? Oh, well, he wouldn't be the first New Jersey fixture that Trump destroyed

I hope that meatloaf was delicious.


  1. Let me try that again without the typoes:

    If Trump comes through this clean, and Christie dies like Cain did, then irony is truly dead.

  2. That karma thing; ouch!
